After thinking about it a little more I have decided to change the design of the upper arm and shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is way more flexible now in all directions. Time to tackle the lower arm and then the hand... that will be quite tricky. The scale is getting really small.
Started thinking about how to construct the underlying skeleton for the arms so that it will allow for posing. Decided to go with running a steel wire with good plastic deformation properties through the center of all the joints and bones. Looks like the elbow will work fine as is but the hands will be tricky as they're so small! Also working out the exact placements of the joints for optimal deformation of the skin is a little daunting.
The new face, jaw and back of skull are painted and finished and fitted together. Magnets are glued in, teeth are in and yes... she now has a tongue as well! Next: Time to test that new face mould!
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October 2023
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